TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Z injectors just suck!
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Subject Z injectors just suck!
Posted by Zarcasm(Hfd, CT) on January 31, 2010 at 12:27 AM
  This message has been viewed 430 times.
In Reply To We Need Fuel Injectors! posted by ADRENALINE RUSH on January 30, 2010 at 03:18 AM
Message Being a noob you don't have a sense for the magnitude of this problem which has plagued the Z for years. Whether it's a design flaw, quality problems, or ethanol influence the fact is Z injectors break consistently, including the "new style" injectors (although they're much less prone to failure than the old ones).

Gordon the Witchhunter has a lot of experience with both styles and can give you solid recommendations if you want to consider alternative injectors. Schemes involving upgrades to the new style work too... or are at least more reliable than the older style.

Why do these injectors fail so often? The most plausible answer I've read has been the very recent posting from DVDBURN (MD).

The real questions you need to answer are how much work and $ do you want to put into just this fix, and how robust do you want your solution to be?

The quickest and cheapest would be to dremel out only the defective injectors and replace them with a used but checked-out part --the rest will fail it's only a matter of when. A mid-grade answer would involve a plenum pull and complete upgrade to the newer style injector. The most robust solution would involve changing over to an equivalent Subaru injector and reprogramming the ECU to handle the new hardware change.

Zarcasm(Hfd, CT)
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